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Sardar Ji Pizza

Welcome To Sardarji Pizza

The journey started when the same small family restaurant (Dhabba, Called in Punjabi) was converted into restaurant motels in the 1990s; it served as inspiration for the idea to open this restaurant. In Punjab, they were well-known for their vintage and period. We wanted to carry on their legacy because they had a vision and a set of principles that they upheld. We explored numerous food sectors in UK & after gathering all facts so, We decided to launch "Sardar ji Pizza" In the UK where we held true to our traditions while keeping in mind today's necessities.

Why Choose Sardarji Pizza

Let's say that together, we eat more healthfully!

Meat Alternative ? Alternatives to meat are becoming increasingly popular in today's culture, and for a good reason, whether you're a devoted vegetarian or just interested in eating a plant-based diet. The advantages of these plant-based proteins over conventional animal products are numerous. People who desire to consume less meat or follow a vegetarian or vegan diet may find it an excellent alternative. Numerous plant-based proteins, including soy-based proteins, tempeh, tofu, and seitan, as well as products made from plants, These alternatives can provide a similar texture and flavour to meat, making them a great addition to many dishes.

Our Mission

Our goal is to deliver a top-notch restaurant-a place to eat with dependably top-notch cuisine, excellent service, and a welcoming ambience. The meals are made using premium, seasonal, and meticulously prepared ingredients. The staff is knowledgeable, warm and friendly and considerate of the requirements of customers. The restaurant's atmosphere is comfortable and pleasant, improving the dining experience.

Why Eat Veggies?

Vegetarianism offers several advantages for both the environment and one's own health. At our restaurant, we think that vegetarianism is a lifestyle that promotes sustain ability, animal welfare, and a healthy world, not simply a diet. Overall, being vegetarian may have profoundly good effects on one's own health as well as the health of the world.